An Irish Lesbian's thoughts and observations…

Posts tagged ‘Story’

Lonely Skye

She went racing through the darkness as fast as her twiggy legs would carry her. Maybe if she ran fast enough she might disappear completely. Sweat trickled down her pale forehead. she was shaking so much her muscles ached. The beads of sweat danced among the salt of her tears. She tripped over a lone dusty rock. “No, no, no…” she cried to herself. The heavy weight upon her shoulders came tumbling down around her. The events of the past few weeks were becoming too much for her to handle. “I have to keep moving.” she muttered to herself. She moved quickly to her feet then swayed slightly. The sudden movement caused her to become dizzy. She laughed to herself at the irony of this moment. Her life was spiraling out of control much like the world is now as it revolves around her. She steadied herself then moved towards home. “Home” to Skye is not bricks and mortar. Home is really where her heart belongs. In a dark and shabby diner along a back street in town. As much as it hurts her to go there alone it is something she must do. The people in town seem so carefree. Why? Why are they so happy when her world is over? They’re lucky. They are strong. Yes, that must be it. They must be much stronger than her or how on earth could they be so calm. She needs to talk. Someone once told her that talking helped everything. Or maybe that’s tea… Well, a chat over tea can’t do any harm either way. The rusted old door of the cafe creaks loudly as she pushes it forward. There is solace behind this door. “Clark, something terrible has happened…” she proclaims.

To be continued…

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