An Irish Lesbian's thoughts and observations…

Posts tagged ‘liebster award’

Third Liebster / Getting To Know Each Other

The lovely bloggers you ain’t special and psychopathsgetbored nominated me for the Liebster Award and the wonderful making bang bangs nominated me for a chain style blogging award. Thank you all so much for the nomination, I always get a bit big headed by these awards. I won’t be nominating anyone myself because it’s not that long since I actually completed a nomination but I will say that all of you lovely bloggers inspire me, make me smile and teach me new things every time I read your posts so a huge thank you to you all!

I was asked 7 questions by you ain’t so so here they are followed by my answers. Drum roll, please…

1. If you could live in any period, which would you pick and why?
The 80’s because the little wannabe glam rocker inside me feels like she missed out big time. Bring me to the time of bad hair and too much leather!

2. If you could change one thing about yourself, past or present, what would it be? I wouldn’t change a thing because everything became a valuable lesson.

3. If you had the opportunity to say one thing that the entire world would hear, what would you say?
Great question! It’s a bit difficult to answer though but I’ll give it my best shot. I would say “Start by loving yourself, conclude by being loved for love is what gets us through.”

4. What’s your favorite piece of literature?
The book Tuesdays with Morrie never fails to inspire me. The author of this wonderful creation, Mitch Albom, is a fantastic writer who constantly delivers tales to warm the heart and engage the mind.

5. If you could be any historical figure, who would it be?
Hmmm… I’m not sure because I’m not very good with this historical stuff but I would love to meet the people who started the Stonewall Riots. Now that’d be amazing.

6. If science discovered the secret to immortality, would you want to live forever?
Yes but only if the ones I love were going to live forever too.

7. Labyrinth or The Princess Bride? Labyrinth, of course.

Making bang bangs’ award nomination requested that I share some random facts with you all so here they are…

1. I have only just discovered, at the age of 22, that I love Nutella. Yep, my taste buds were really missing out!

2. Animals often cheer me up more than people do.

3. I have never ever worn a skirt (unless I did as a child when my Mom was still picking my clothes for me and if so I must have blocked out that memory).

4. I am slightly sallow skinned so when I was a child I would tell people, without hesitation, that I am yellow like The Simpsons.

5. I never liked Shane in The L Word.

6. I have never failed an academic test.

7. I talk way too much and way too fast but lucky you guys only need to read my ramblings which actually get much shorter as I write and edit.

8. I love meeting new people but have no idea what to say when I do meet them so that’s one of the rare occasions when I actually have so little to say.

9. I have very little interest in travelling but I like seeing new places. Anyone wanna make some sort of an instant transporter for me?

10. I met two of the people who were part of the main group to overturn Irish law and make it legal to be gay here in Ireland.

Psychopathsgetbored’s questions are as follows…

1. If you could travel anywhere in the universe (include the planets, stars and other galaxies, no worries) where would you go?
I would go to Paris with my wife. Oooh la la, how romantic!

2. Tea, coffee or both?
Both but I have a strong preference for coffee and especially mochas which I’m actually drinking right now. 🙂

3. What inspired you to create your blog?
The desire to receive feedback and mature in my writing pushed me to create this blog but connecting with others keeps me here.

4. What is your favourite season?
Winter for sure! It’s such an amazing time of year. It’s so beautiful and staying in actually brings people closer together, I think. 🙂

5. One thing that you lost, and miss dearly.
My mind! Hah. Old friends, really.

6. Your favourite book (if you don’t read much then movie)
Tuesdays with Morrie is my favourite book and has been since I first read it when I was fourteen.

7. The one song that makes you happy no matter what.
“Does Your Mother Know That You’re Out?” from Mamma Mia.

8. Are you a morning or a night person?
A mid-morning person! I like 11 am. That’s a good time for me.

9. Do you like going to social events/parties/outings?
I love them but rarely go. I think that makes me enjoy them even more though.

10. Do you use a pen name/pseudonym?
I guess alesbianspeaks is my pseudonym.

11. How many languages do you speak?
Three…ish. I speak English obviously and bits of Irish and French.

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