An Irish Lesbian's thoughts and observations…

Posts tagged ‘fun’

Tell me how to be wild!

My posts have been pretty minimal compared to usual recently but for a good reason. I’ve been doing a lot of writing for other LGBT online publications and I’ve even interviewed someone! I haven’t forgotten about this blog though and I continue to be inspired by all you lovely people every time I’m here.

One thing that has been on my mind is “going wild”. You know the “crazy” things people do when they’re young adults, or even older adults, that are outside their normal range of activities. Yeah, those. What the hell are they? So many people hint towards a wild background but never seem to go into major details on the topic. I drank alcohol a lot (probably too much) when I was a teenager but that’s what teenagers do. Especially Irish teenagers anyway. When I was almost 19 I stopped drinking for a year and when I started drinking again I approached it with a much healthier attitude. I have only slept with one person, my wife of course. I got married, settled down and focused on running a household and not making the same mistakes that my family members did. Please tell me what I’m missing here? I’m constantly told that any time now I’m going to go wild. It’s like people are waiting for it. You know what? I’m waiting to see what they’re on about too! On the rare nights out I drink whiskey or cider and dance too much but isn’t that what you’re meant to do if you’re in a club? I would definitely love to know what kind of things are wild to be honest. I need to be educated on this topic!

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