An Irish Lesbian's thoughts and observations…

Does Happiness Have a Recipe?

It’s difficult to keep throwing out blog posts but especially when you are your own worst critic. I’m critical of myself and my own work to the point of just being downright harsh. Right now however I’m putting those feelings aside in an attempt to reconnect with you all.

What’s been happening for me? I gained two new qualifications and completed two creative writing courses so I’m leaving 2014 feeling accomplished and proud of myself. I set goals for myself and was lucky enough to fulfill my own wishes. The resolution to do this came during the Summer so I also learned that not every great resolution starts on January 1st.

I was foolish enough to think that items were going to make me happy. Then I figured that people might make me happy. Now I get it. I really genuinely get it. I was already happy just the way I was/am without being surrounded by people who drag me down or make me feel bad about myself. I enjoy owning certain items but that enjoyment could never compare to the happiness I feel in the company of my wife. I once wished that I’d be surrounded by a dozen people I could call my friends but when I actually had this I was more miserable than ever. Moral of this story: I don’t need to follow a recipe to make me happy and I certainly won’t find this happiness in others. Luckily, I found it in myself. If you find yourself thinking that having loads of people in your life will make you happy then think again because it may not be as simple as that. I’m looking forward to the future but I’ve started planning it rather than hoping for good things to happen. I’m loving taking control over my journey.

Comments on: "Does Happiness Have a Recipe?" (10)

  1. good for you girl! congrats…and congrats lol. so nice to read you again. welcome home πŸ˜‰

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello, I keep missing your blog posts because I’m not on as frequently as I used to be, but it’s nice that you’re still writing. Well done with the qualifications and the courses, and to the discovery you have made about your life.


    • I actually only got back into blogging myself recently. It’s hard to keep up with both the physical and the virtual world.
      Thank you very much. How has life been treating you? I hope all is going well for you. Best wishes for 2015 too! πŸ™‚


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